EHS Policy


EHS Policy

Environment, Health and Safety Policy of Asian Paints Ltd.

Environment Policy


  1. Asian Paints is committed to manage its operations including deployment of resources using principles of sustainable development to minimize impact on environment communities.

  2. We shall comply with all statutory requirements. We consider compliance to statutory EHS requirements as the minimum performance standard and are committed to go beyond and adopt stricter standards. We shall work in partnership with the Government and Industry Associations for policy and regulatory reforms related to environment. We shall annually publish our environment performance to all stakeholders.

  3. We shall source our materials and products from Vendors that comply with the child labor laws and other statutory regulations.

  4. We shall continually improve our products with an intention to reduce their environmental footprint. We shall inform the customers about the environment impact and safe use of our products.

  5. We are committed to protecting the environment by:
  6. I. Adherence to highest operational standards for handling hazardous standards.

    II. Preventing pollution & Leveraging the 3R (Reduction, Reuse, Recycle) principle and move towards zero industrial effluent generation and zero hazardous solid waste generation.

    III. Minimizing impact of end of life plastics generated out of our packaging material.

    IV. Reducing-Energy Intensity, Carbon-Intensity, and increasing contribution of Energy from Renewable sources.

    V. Leveraging Rain water harvesting, water conservation & water replenishment and utilizing waste water as an alternate source.

    VI. Nurturing biodiversity within and outside our factory premises.


  7. We are committed to continual improvement in environment related parameters in all business processes and shall track such improvements through measurable indicators.

Health & Safety Policy

Asian Paints is committed to ensure safety and protect health of its employees, service providers, visitors, neighboring communities and customers.

Scope and applicability of the Policy:

This Health and Safety Policy is applicable to all the operating sites of Asian Paints, its subsidiaries and joint ventures (where Asian Paints has Management Control). The operating sites include Plants, Research & Technology facilities, Offices, Distribution, Sales depots, Retail Sales & Services and Project Sales. This policy is applicable at work, travel between home and work of employees, business related travel including stay and all Company organized business events.

Objectives of the Company Management shall be to:

  • Comply with all applicable health and safety statutory regulations.

  • Move towards Zero Injuries, Zero Occupational illnesses and Zero incidents of Property damage

  • Comply with the applicable Safety Manual to achieve its safety, health and wellbeing objectives.

The Company Management shall:

  1. Ensure compliance with all applicable health and safety legislations and relevant standards.

  2. Integrate safety, health and wellbeing into all business processes.

  3. Ensure that all activities across the value chain are conducted as per the defined health and safety procedures, including

        a. selection and evaluation of suppliers, contractors and other service providers,

        b. research leading to development of new products and services

        c. design, engineering, construction and commissioning of new projects,

        d. adopting principles of inherent safe design,

        e. operating and maintaining plants and other facilities in accordance with the designated safety criteria throughout their working life

        f. distribution of products

        g. technical service at customer sites and other consumer interfaces

  4. Educate customers on safe use of products.

  5. Provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health of employees and service providers.

  6. Ensure that adequate resources, support and supervision are provided to employees and service providers to carry out their job safely and to continually upgrade health and safety standards.

  7. Conduct risk assessments, safety audits and safety inspections at prescribed frequency and take all remedial measures to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risks, arising out of operations.

  8. Implement Behavior Based Safety Program in order to inculcate safety as a personal value.

  9. Maintain a comprehensive On-Site Emergency Plan and related facilities to handle emergencies.

  10. Assess competence of individuals in the area of safety during recruitment and career advancement.

  11. Define roles and responsibilities of employees in the safety organization of the plant / facility/ Operations.

  12. Keep employees and service providers informed, educated, trained and retrained on safety, health and wellbeing to ensure safe conduct of their jobs.

  13. Establish mechanisms for consultation with employees and their representatives, contractors, suppliers, customers, local communities, neighbors and regulators to promote safety and building a safe work culture.

  14. Establish mechanisms for participation of employees including their representatives wherever applicable.

  15. Ensure that each employee including contractors and visitors comply with all safety rules and regulations framed for the operation.

  16. Extend all possible help to industries / depots / offices around Asian Paints Operations in case of emergencies.

  17. Provide a resume of health and safety performance in the Company annual report.

The Company shall ensure effectiveness of this policy through:

  1. Setting goals and objectives on Quality, Environment, Occupational health and Safety will done based on QEHS policy and review these periodically to ensure that these are being met.

  2. Analysis of health and safety incidents, identification of root causes and implementation of corrective and preventive actions (CAPA).

  3. Appropriate action, in case of a violation by an employee, as per rules and procedures framed for the purpose.

  4. Review of this policy annually or on significant changes in business.

  5. Periodic review of the Quality, Environment, Occupational health and Safety and wellbeing standards for their continued appropriateness and effectiveness.